Art Hack Day: Deluge
ExhbitionSaturday, January 31
7pm – Late; FREE
Join the Art Hack Day teams on Saturday January 31 starting at 7:00 PM for a closing exhibition, live performances, and party.
Art Hack Day is a part-hackathon, part-happening where 60 hackers and artists bridge the gap between art, technology and entrepreneurship with grassroots hackathons that demonstrate the expressive potential of new technology and the power of radical collaboration in art. Each hackathon results in a pop-up exhibit built in the 48 hours before it opens to the public.
This year’s theme for NYC, Deluge, explores the roles of technology and art in the wake of changing climates and how fabrication, data, and biology can be approached with new perspectives and creative insight.
Organized by David Huerta, Jonathan Dahan, Olof Mathé, Paul Christophe, and Shayna Gentiluomo