Wolf Eyes
with Jackie Lynn of Circuit des Yeux and Dreamcrusher
Wolf Eyes are the rabid beasts of Trip Metal & have been plowing thru new tunnels of the underworld since 1997. Born in the dead, dread-filled haunted hills of Michigan, Nate Young, John Olson and James Baljo temper pure audio stunn of homemade post-nuclear terror & claustrophobic atmospheres to produce a shattered and confusing horrorvision since Bo Diddley dropped the duct taped warhead on all humans in 2024.. Wolf Eyes is total music/trip mental: equally at home within but also apart from the worlds of electronic music, street shadows,and musique concrete among others. A discography of over 150 releases, relentless touring, and endless creativity ranging from visual art to creating new instruments has served to make Wolf Eyes a lone primal planet adrift and dribbling in a universe of hunted enemies.
Jackie Lynn, now a 25-Âyear-Âold Gemini residing somewhere unknown, has mysteriously disappeared after leaving a chronological musical artifact that the city of Chicago is now using to try to trace her whereabouts.
Dreamcrusher is a genderqueer/non-binary (they/them/their pronouns), straight edge, vegan electronic musician. since 2003, creating immense, abrasive, sometimes rhythmic and often isolating soundscapes with bursts of melody choking through overwhelming sonic cacophony. Thrash-worthy, high energy harsh noise vessels through hardcore, punk and shoegaze influences; it’s an exercise in immersion and endurance. from wichita, kansas and based in new york.