Ira Schneider
Film Screening + Q&A with artist Ira Schneider and curator Liz Flyntz
Thursday, April 9
8pm; RSVP Here
This program will present a selection of Ira Schneider’s early video work (and a few samples of late 16mm film) as well as more recent moving image experiments and newly transferred and edited work from the late 60s. Works range from formal experimentation to documents of the early video art scene in NYC. The artist will give short notes and impressions on some of the pieces. Curator Liz Flyntz will introduce Ira and lead discussion after the program.
Ira is one of the very first video artists. He was a member of the seminal late 60s and early 70s video and communications group or “thinktank�? Raindance, as well as one of the co-originators and co-editors of Radical Software, the first publication devoted to video. He co-edited one of the first books on video art with Beryl Korot, titled Video Art: An Anthology.
Ira Schneider was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1939 but has lived in Berlin since 1993.
Liz Flyntz is a curator, designer, and writer who lives in Brooklyn. She recently curated an exhibition of video works discussed in Radical Software, the first periodical dedicated to video. She writes about media art history and net-based art, and is currently researching the history of time capsules.
Whole Earth Exhibition, Berlin 2013, B Fuller & Earthday 1970 + 1977 edited 2013 sound, 20 mins.
TV as a Creative Medium (excerpt), 1969-edit 84 Black & white, sound, 6 mins.
In May of 1969, the Howard Wise Gallery in New York presented TV as a Creative Medium, the first exhibition in the United States devoted entirely to video as a form of art. Schneider recorded this historical document of the landmark exhibition.
H20 #6, 2007, Color, sound, 5 mins.
Lost in Cuddihy, 1966, colour, sound, from 16mm, 13min.
An information collage of experiences in America of the middle 1960s.
Schneider Marries his SONYa, 1998, Color, sound, 3 mins.
Schneider to Marry, 2013, Color, sound, 4 mins.
Austerity Breeds Contempt, 2012, Color, sound, 2 mins.
Austerity measures are leading to disgruntlement and contempt. This Video is the response to cutbacks and degradation. It is an ironic comedy. The cultural safety net has been cut. The screw has been turned. Things are grinding to a halt & the European governments are until now employing methods used by the Hoover administration in the USA in response to the economic collapse of 1929. Not stimulating the economy leads to further deepening depression.
The Great Suds Your Duds Robbery, 1963, Black & white, sound, 3 mins.
Vision and Television, 1970, sound, 6:30 min
A documentary of the first museum group video art exhibition which took place at the Rose Art Museum in Waltham Massachusetts, January 1970. Present were Paik, Gillette, Schneider, The Videofreex, Stan Vanderbeek & others. Installations & a crazy panel discussion are shown.
American Flag, 2014