Upheaval: Jared Diamond
Jared Diamond–Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the highly-influential Guns, Germs and Steel–launches his new book Upheaval at Pioneer Works. Upheaval presents Diamond’s brilliant new theory of how and why some nations recover from trauma and others do not. Through portraits of seven countries–from the forced opening up of Japan and the Soviet invasion of Finland to the Pinochet regime in Chile–Diamond describes a process of painful self-appraisal and adaptation more commonly associated with personal trauma. Therein is a lesson about resilience relevant to both nations and individuals. Looking to the future, Upheaval investigates whether the United States and other powerful nations are squandering their natural advantages on a devastating path towards catastrophe.
Signed copies of Upheaval will be available for sale at the event.
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This project is supported by Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science.