Paper Cuts Tour Stop
Paper Cuts presents another stop on its bookstore tour at Pioneer Books. Join us as we host an evening of reading and discussion with the feminist avant-garde collective, Belladonna*.
Erica Hunt is a poet, essayist, and author of Local History and Arcade, as well as three chapbooks, Piece Logic, Time Slips Right Before Your Eyes, and A Day and Its Approximates. An anthology of innovative writing by black women co-edited with Dawn Lundy Martin is forthcoming in 2016 from Kore Press.
Betsy Fagin is the author of All is Not Yet Lost (Belladonna, 2015), Names Disguised (Make Now Books, 2014), Poverty Rush (Three Sad Tigers, 2011), the science seemed so solid (dusie kollektiv, 2011), Belief Opportunity (Big Game Books Tinyside, 2008), and Rosemary Stretch(dusie e/chap, 2006). Currently, Fagin serves as Editor for the Poetry Project Newsletter.
Rachel Levitsky is writing a memoir through the lens of what’s between Julie Christie and Warren Beatty on screen in Shampoo and McCabe & Mrs. Miller. Her last book was The Story of My Accident is Ours (Futurepoem 2013). She is a Collaborative member and founder of Belladonna* and teaches at Pratt.
Christina Olivares is the author of No Map of the Earth Includes Stars, which won the 2014 Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize, as well as: Interrupt (Belladonna*, 2015), and Petition(forthcoming 2016) which won the 2014 YesYes/Vinyl Chapbook Competition. She was awarded a 2015-2016 LMCC Workspace Residency and is the recipient of two Jerome Foundation Travel and Study Grants. She earned her MFA at CUNY Brooklyn College.
Following the readings there will be a brief discussion moderated by Paper Cuts host, Christopher Kardambikis.
Paper Cuts is a radio program that explores the contemporary world of zines and DIY publishing, produced by Pioneer Works institutional resident Clocktower.org. Each program features writers, performers, and artists who have shared their work in print, on paper, and in small editions. Zines are truly dynamic publications that have built and supported engaged communities around ideals, experiences, genres, music, politics, poetry…anything that can be printed, shared, and/or mailed. The series acts as a cross section of this varied landscape and rich history. Listen to voices that would normally live in your hands and demand your eyeballs.
Belladonna* is a feminist avant-garde collective, founded in 1999 by Rachel Levitsky. 2016 marks the 17th anniversary of the Belladonna*mission to promote the work of women writers who are adventurous,
experimental, politically involved, multi-form, multicultural, multi-gendered, impossible to define, delicious to talk about, unpredictable and dangerous with language.
Pioneer Books offers a focused and changing roster of titles that connect to and inspire the cross-disciplinary underpinnings of the Pioneer Works mission. Titles range in subjects from art, poetry, philosophy, science, anthropology, ecology, architecture, psychology, technology, DIY methodology, children’s books, mysticism and renegade zines.