The Present Is the Form of All Life: Time Capsule Sealing Ceremony
For five weeks during the run of the exhibition The Present Is the Form of All Life: The Time Capsules of Ant Farm and LST, LST’s HUQQUH, a device contained within a massive inflatable, has been randomly downloading an image off viewers’ smartphones for inclusion in the Pioneer Works Time Capsule. Marking the final week of the exhibition, the HUQQUH will stop taking donations and the Pioneer Works Time Capsule will be sealed, after which the HUQQUH will go into playback mode, presenting the collected images during the final weeks of the exhibition.
Please join us for a time capsule sealing ceremony on Sunday, October 16th, immediately following a panel discussion between LST and Felicity Scott, an architectural historian and author of Architecture or Techno-Utopia: Politics After Modernism and Ant Farm: Living Archive 7. The event will also include a preview of the forthcoming, DAP-distributed publication accompanying the exhibition, led by the curators Gabriel Florenz and Liz Flyntz along with designer Daniel Kent. Copies will be available for pre-order.