Louise Foo & Martha Skou
Visual Arts Residency
Danish born Foo and Skou are trained visual artists, but self-taught musicians and part of the motivation for their image –sound explorations comes from a wish to approach music making – from a visual perspective, in order to make experiences with sound intuitive, even to non-musicians. Collaboratively, they have been developing a series of installations centered around transitions between image and sound. Using digital technology and analog techniques they are currently exploring the potential of visual interfaces. Their latest work, ‘Format No. 1’, consists of spatial installations and visual compositions, coupled with an iPhone application that uses the iPhone camera to interpret visual data as sound. It’s the artist duo’s first attempt to create a new format and they describe the project as a first step towards more research and speculation about the future of music.As part of their residency at Pioneer Works they will expand and develop this idea further and create ‘Format No. 2.’.
Louise Foo holds an MPS degree in interactive telecommunications from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. Martha Skou holds an MPS in visual communication from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design.